
The catalyst for creating Museum Board Connect came from an integral component to the unprecedented national initiative AAM launched called Facing Change.

Facing Change: Advancing Museum Board Diversity and Inclusion Initiative was a 3 year initiative that looked to diversify museum board’s racial and ethnic makeup, while supporting museums in creating more equitable outcomes and inclusive museum board cultures.

Main components of the the initiative:

  • Diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion training and capacity building for museum leaders and boards of trustees
  • Creation of DEAI resources for museum trustees and museum professionals
  • Re-imagining of the museum accreditation process to incorporate DEAI best practices
  • Museum Board Connect portal and museum and candidate matching support.

Although the Facing Change pilot initiative has come to an end, the American Alliance of Museums has incorporated many lessons learned into our continued DEAI work in the museum field. AAM understands that Museum Board Connect is a critical tool museums across the country can access to support in diversifying their own leadership.